Bonsai Starter Seed Kit – Week 3 & 5

Week 3

This is the 3rd week since I have planted the seeds from the Bonsai Tree Seed Kit. If you would like to see the unboxing of the Seed Kit and how I planted the seeds, please check out Bonsai Starter Kit – Unboxing & Setup

You can find updates from the 1st and 2nd week here Bonsai Starter Kit – Seed Updates

Here is the current status for each seed:

Blue SpruceBlack SpruceSiberian ElmLoblolly Pine
Germination after 6 daysGermination after 8 daysNo germination yetGermination after 11 days
7 seeds have sprouted6 seeds have sproutedNothing has sprouted4 seeds have sprouted
Week 3 stats

Here are some recent progress pictures of my little seedlings:

Blue Spruce

The Blue Spruce seedlings have been growing well. You can see a lot of the new growth that is a light green color. They are growing pretty fast but will probably slow down soon. So far 7 seeds out of 10 have sprouted. The seedlings are misted daily, are under a grow light, and are not covered anymore.

Blue Spruce Seedling
Blue Spruce Seedling – 3 weeks

Black Spruce

The Black Spruce seedlings seem to be growing a little slower. One more sprouted a few days ago and there are now a total of 6 seedlings. I think there were around 10 seeds planted as well. The germination rate doesn’t seem too bad. These seeds are also misted daily and receive plenty of light.

Black Spruce Seedling
Black Spruce Seedling – 3 weeks

Loblolly Pine

The fastest growth for sure this week happened to the Lopolly Pine seeds. I only had 1 sprouted seed last week and just within days 3 more sprouted for a total of 4 seedlings. The pine seeds seem to be growing a lot faster than the Spruce seedlings. I am excited to see what happens in the next few weeks.

Loblolly Pine Seedling
Loblolly Pine Seedling – 3 weeks

Siberian Elm

Unfortunately, nothing to report yet in regards to the Siberian Elm seeds. These were supposed to sprout within one week as per the instructions manual. Funny thing is that the other seeds that were supposed to take between 3-4 weeks, sprouted within a week. Anyways, not giving up hope. I am misting the soil daily and still kept the covering over the pot.

Week 5

It has been 5 weeks since I planted the seeds. Not much has changed. I did not get any new seeds to germinate. As you can see from the pictures below, everything’s been growing nicely but slow. There are some roots already starting to grow out of the pot at the bottom. Maybe time for a repot soon?

Here is the current status for each seed:

Blue SpruceBlack SpruceSiberian ElmLoblolly Pine
Germination after 6 daysGermination after 8 daysNo germination yetGermination after 11 days
7 seeds have sprouted6 seeds have sproutedNothing has sprouted4 seeds have sprouted
Week 5 stats

Here are some recent progress pictures of my little seedlings:

Blue Spruce

Not too much of a change from 2 weeks ago. They are being watered every 2 days and are still under a grow light.

Blue Spruce after 5 weeks
Blue Spruce after 5 weeks

Black Spruce

Just like the Blue Spruce seedlings, the Black Spruce seedlings are slow-growing as well. You can see the bright green growth on them. As I mentioned before, the roots are starting to show at the bottom. The pots are 4″ or 10cm high so that is pretty good.

Black Spruce after 5 weeks
Black Spruce after 5 weeks

Loblolly Pine

The Loblolly Pine seedlings have put on the most growth. In the picture, it looks like there are only 3 seedlings but there are actually 4. Two of them are pretty close together. I am excited to see what they will look like in the next few weeks.

Loblolly Pine after 5 weeks
Loblolly Pine after 5 weeks

Siberian Elm

Well, it has been 5 weeks and nothing has sprouted. The Siberian Elm seeds were supposed to germinate after just 1 week so they really should have germinated by now. I kept the pot under a grow light and covered it loosely with a ZipLoc bag. I am using the pot and soil for something else now. There might still be a chance that something could pop up… we will see.

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If you are interested in purchasing your own Bonsai Tree Starter Kit, you can get it from Amazon here: